One Mission | One Flag
Seafarers know and trust the Mission to Seafarers.
Our logo promises seafarers they will receive the same love and service from every MTS Centre worldwide.
Our international standing, heritage and identity are tied to the design of our logo, so it should not be recoloured or modified in any way.
Where the Flying Angel design is used in isolation, for example on the side of a vehicle, the angel and waves must not be separated.
The official logo pack for use by MTS Centres can be downloaded below.
Official MTS Logo Pack
To keep our image consistent across documentation and graphics, the following three fonts are used:
Century Gothic
Note: MTS IHQ uses Stone Sans in place of Century Gothic Bold, however Stone Sans is a licensed font. In Australia, we have replaced the licensed font with Century Gothic, which is free.
Below is an example of the fonts in use.
The Mission to Seafarers has adopted a set of official colours to be used by all MTS Centres when producing digital and print media.
The logo does not change colour.
To use these exact colours, copy and paste the colour values.
MTS Mission Blue
Pantone 287 C
HEX #003087
RGB 0 48 135
CMYK 100 81 0 23
MTS Navy Blue
Pantone 276 C
HEX #221C35
RGB 34 28 53
CMYK 94 93 0 79
MTS Cloud Blue
Pantone 651 C
RGB 167 188 214
CMYK 33 15 0 0
MTS Ocean Blue
Pantone 321 C
HTML #008C95
RGB 0 140 149
CMYK 100 0 37 10
MTS Merchant Red
Pantone 704 C
RGB 158 43 47
CMYK 1 95 75 31
MTS Safety Orange
Pantone 1665 C
HTML #DC4405
RGB 220 68 5
CMYK 0 82 100 0